Всем привет!
Лот 2. 150 грн
Набор закругленных прямоугольников (система резки Shape-Mate)
Лот 3. 150 грн
Лот 4. 275 грн
собой вращающийся диск с прорезями, в которые устанавливается лезвие в
необходимом месте (в зависимости от желаемого размера круга). Вырезает
круги от 2,5 до 15 см в диаметре, с "шагом" 1,5 мм (что позволяет делать
очень аккуратные подложки под круглые элементы). Ручка с лезвием
вращается для удобства резки, можно резать как по, так и против часовой
стрелки. Лезвие безопасно спрятано в ручке. Можно также использовать для
рисования кругов с помощью ручки или карандаша. В комплекте: резак,
рабочее лезвие, 3 запасных лезвия. Наиболее гладкое скольжение и четкая
форма круга получаются, если резать на стеклянном коврике (EK Tools
GLASS MAT). Пример использования - на видео от производителя:
http://www.youtube.com/embed/ fAwwwDNkNfI?feature=player_ embedded" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
Хочу предложить Вам следующие лоты, которые мне в моей работе не
пригодились - даже не распакованы ни разу - все абсолютно новые
(покупались все в США). Описания лотов нашла только на английском,
Лот 1. 190 грн
Набор овалов Curvy Cutter template Set от фирмы EK SUCCESS - Oval Curvy Cutter Template Set EKCC07
EK SUCCESS-Curvy Cutter template Set. Crop perfect
shapes quickly and easily with these fabulous templates that cut sizes
from 2-1/4in to 7-1/2in shapes with your Curvy Cutter (not included).
Templates are transparent so you can see what you're doing and have
gripper feet so the template stays where you want it. This set is great
for photos; mats; cardstock; vellum and many more media types. Package
dimensions: 12x12 inch. Theme: Oval. Imported.
Диаметр 12 inch ( 30 см) Великолепно подойдет для создания альбомных страничек
Лот 2. 150 грн
Набор закругленных прямоугольников (система резки Shape-Mate)
Rectangles 2"X3.25" To 10"X11.25" Shape-Mate Shapes 6/Pkg TSM6-752
TONIC STUDIOS-Shape-Mate System Shapes. These great sets of basic shape templates is great for scrapbookers; card makers and paper crafters! For use with the Shape-Mate Carriage (not included). Each package contains six sizes of an individual shape which can be used with the blade on either side giving you twelve possible sizes (each sold separately): Rectangle: 2x3-1/4in to 10x11-1/4in; Square: 2x2in to 10x10in; Oval: 2x3-1/4in to 10x11-1/4in and Circle: 2in to 10in. Each template set comes attached to a storage rack allowing for easier storage and organization. Each template features rubber feet preventing slipping while cutting. Constructed of green plastic. Imported.
TONIC STUDIOS-Shape-Mate System Shapes. These great sets of basic shape templates is great for scrapbookers; card makers and paper crafters! For use with the Shape-Mate Carriage (not included). Each package contains six sizes of an individual shape which can be used with the blade on either side giving you twelve possible sizes (each sold separately): Rectangle: 2x3-1/4in to 10x11-1/4in; Square: 2x2in to 10x10in; Oval: 2x3-1/4in to 10x11-1/4in and Circle: 2in to 10in. Each template set comes attached to a storage rack allowing for easier storage and organization. Each template features rubber feet preventing slipping while cutting. Constructed of green plastic. Imported.
Лот 3. 150 грн
Набор закругленных квадратов (система резки Shape-Mate)
Squares 2"X2" To 10"X10" Shape-Mate Shapes 6/Pkg TSM6-751
TONIC STUDIOS-Shape-Mate System Shapes. These great sets of basic shape templates is great for scrapbookers; card makers and paper crafters! For use with the Shape-Mate Carriage (not included). Each package contains six sizes of an individual shape which can be used with the blade on either side giving you twelve possible sizes (each sold separately): Rectangle: 2x3-1/4in to 10x11-1/4in; Square: 2x2in to 10x10in; Oval: 2x3-1/4in to 10x11-1/4in and Circle: 2in to 10in. Each template set comes attached to a storage rack allowing for easier storage and organization. Each template features rubber feet preventing slipping while cutting. Constructed of green plastic. Imported.
Squares 2"X2" To 10"X10" Shape-Mate Shapes 6/Pkg TSM6-751
TONIC STUDIOS-Shape-Mate System Shapes. These great sets of basic shape templates is great for scrapbookers; card makers and paper crafters! For use with the Shape-Mate Carriage (not included). Each package contains six sizes of an individual shape which can be used with the blade on either side giving you twelve possible sizes (each sold separately): Rectangle: 2x3-1/4in to 10x11-1/4in; Square: 2x2in to 10x10in; Oval: 2x3-1/4in to 10x11-1/4in and Circle: 2in to 10in. Each template set comes attached to a storage rack allowing for easier storage and organization. Each template features rubber feet preventing slipping while cutting. Constructed of green plastic. Imported.
Круговой резак EK Tools CIRCLE SCISSOR PRO.
NB! При покупки любых двух лотов - ПОДАРОК - Набор бумаги для квиллинга 49 Ассорти 12цв. 3мм75см 160гм2 950489 ТМ «1 Вересня»!"
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